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St Mary's CE Primary School

St Mary's Church
of England
Primary School


loving learning community
  • I came to give life. Life in all its fullness

    John 10:10


We believe that good behaviour is crucial to maintain the positive and caring ethos of the school, and our priority is to engage children in their learning, whilst helping them develop a positive attitude towards one another and the school.

Our school caters for around 210 children split into seven classes. We have fantastic facilities both internally and externally and have excellent links with our parish church.

Chapel Hill


Laund Hey







St Mary's CE Primary School,
Haslingden Old Road, Rawtenstall,
Rossendale, Lancashire BB4 8RZ

01706 216407

Early Adopter Breakfast Club 2025

We are excited to be part of the government’s breakfast club early adopter scheme, which is funding universal breakfast clubs in up to 750 primary schools.
From Tuesday, April 22nd 2025, free breakfast clubs will be available in early adopter schools, as part of a test and learn phase, so that the government can plan for a full national roll-out of universal breakfast clubs in primary schools.
As part of the offer, St Mary’s CE Primary School will offer 30 minutes of childcare alongside a free breakfast.
The club is open to all pupils from Reception to Year 6 and can be accessed via the school hall doors each day.