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St Mary's CE Primary School

St Mary's Church
of England
Primary School


Christian Life of the School

St Mary's Church is  part of The Diocese of Manchester, within The Church of England.

School has very important and regular links with St Mary's church. A range of services take place at various times of the year, but particularly around the Christian festivals.  It’s always good to welcome the children into the church and we hope that children and parents enjoy their visits.

The Religious Education of our pupils is at the core of the curriculum; the practice and teaching of the Christian Faith is central. Our faith is not just something added on to everything else we do as a School, but runs through all our learning.  10% RE curriculum time is allocated across all key stages. The staffing and resourcing devoted to RE is of the highest standard, reflecting its significance and importance in our school. 

St Mary's CE Primary School is a caring school community where we all do our best to love one another. Religious Education at St Mary's is comprised of our formal RE lessons, collective worship, and our daily living out of the mission statement.